TOKOYAMA, Japan––This Tactile Tile Tunnel trifecta (now superfecta!) of alliteration combines three of my favorite experiences: tactile perception, clay/ceramics and immersive spaces.

In designing the exhibition space, GENETO Studio’s architecture and design team considered three main themes: the history of the majolica tile, the influence of western Europe and by demonstrating a world filled by captivating majolica tiles, as Design Boom explains.
“In order for visitors to understand the history efficiently, the black architecture with a pitched roof was installed in the center of the room, which could be seen as either a house or a castle, being positioned at an angle of 16 degrees. this divides the space into four sections and provides a circulating walking path for visitors to follow the history of the majolica tiles.”

Furthermore, the Trail of Inspiration (2018) exhibition features a tessellation-like portal encourages visitors to re-discover the uniqueness, beauty and history of the Japanese majolica tile by inviting them to touch and experience the tile.

“The original tiles take inspiration from Islamic culture, as they were produced in Iberia peninsula before being exported to Italy. In the late 19th century, people began producing Victorian Tiles in England which were later imported to japan where they were known as ‘majolica tiles’. at this time, they were exported not only to japan but also to other Asian countries that admired the western architecture”

Read the full article here.

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