Last week Garth Clark dubbed New York City the “Ceramic Gotham.” Among his reasons for doing so was the stampede of ceramics seen in marketplaces such as the Frieze Fair. We highlighted vessels at the Frieze Fair last week. As promised, we’re back this week with a massive selection of ceramic (and ceramic-presenting) sculptures spotted around the fair. Many of these images were contributed by Leslie Ferrin, who was documenting the fair for her instagram page.
Above image: Ken Price, Spider Blue, 2011, painted bronze composite, 42 x 22 3/8 x 36 inches. From the Matthew Marks Gallery.

Exhibition view of an Arlene Schechet work at Sikkemma Jenkins. Photograph by Leslie Ferrin.

Exhibition view of Zachary Leener. Photograph by Leslie Ferrin.

William J. O’Brien, Untitled, 2015, glazed ceramic, 20 3/4 x 10 x 10 1/2 inches. From the Shane Campbell Gallery.

Kris Lemsalu, Phantom Camp, 2012-2015, ceramics and sleeping bag, 8 3/10 x 11 4/5 x 11 4/5 inches. From Temnikova & Kasela Gallery.

Milena Muzquiz, Untitled, 2015, hand painted ceramic, 11 4/5 x 11 x 14 1/5 inches. From Travesia Cuatro.

Kris Lemsalu exhibition view at Temnikova & Kasela. Photograph by Leslie Ferrin. Click to see a larger image.

Yeesookyung exhibition view at Tina Kim and Kukje Gallery. Photograph by Leslie Ferrin.

Rachel Kneebone at White Cube exhibition view. Photographs by Leslie Ferrin.

Lucio Fontana, Concetto Spaziale, 1955-1960, glazed ceramic, 14 15/16 x 11 3/16 x 1 9/16 inches. From the CRG Gallery.

Leoncillo Leonardi, Partigina veneta, 1954, terracotta, 19 x 11 x 9 3/16 inches. From the CRG Gallery.

Polly Apfelbaum, Lucio, 2014, ceramic and glaze, 11 2/5 x 11 2/5 x 1 inches. From the Frith Street Gallery.

Johan Creten installation view with Galerie Perrotin. Photograph by Leslie Ferrin.

Tom Sachs, Untitled, 2013, reduction-fired porcelain and resin, 34 x 13 x 8 inches. From Salon 94. Click to see a larger image.
I wish you could include some prices along with the images.