Some companies have come up with roof tiles that use solar power that is seamlessly integrated with design.
The building materials web site Materials and Sources tipped us off to the first set. Area Franceram created a tile called Tegolasolare, which uses photovoltaic cell technology to allow one to have discrete solar panels integrated directly into the roof of the home. The tiles are 1-foot, 6-inch squares that have a four-cell panel. Materials and sources reports that about 400 square feet of roof surface will generate 3 kilowatts of electricity, which, according to estimates, generates about half of the average family’s electricity requirements.
Swedish company SolTech Energy brought similar thinking to tiles that help heat your home, according to Inhabitat.
The system looks techy while being made out of common glass. The glass allows the sun to pass through to an absorbing surface, which passes the energy on to an existing heating system or electrical grid.
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Nice work i want to buy to Israel
I think it’s cool! A great idea! 🙂