Welcome to NewsFile, bringing you the latest and greatest news in brief from the world of contemporary ceramics and contemporary ceramic art! This week we’re starting off with a subject that’s near and dear to many people’s hearts: marijuana!
In the midst of all the other political stuff going on, it went almost unnoticed that states including California and Florida legalized (across the board, not just for medical) marijuana. The days of having labored, forced conversations with an acquaintance drug dealer you meet in a crummy apartment are over, in favor of a more streamlined, commercial experience. I imagine for enthusiasts of marijuana it’s both a blessing and a curse. Weed is gentrified now, but at least you can look forward to nifty designs like the Puffco Plus vape pen, a sleek, ceramic way to smoke “””””essential oils.””””” So strange that even as state after state legalizes the herb, we still have to pussyfoot around terminology, but maybe that’s because of ancient federal regulations involving drug paraphernalia and interstate commerce.
A Ceramic Smartphone by Philippe Starck
In October French designer Philippe Starck revealed his design for a ceramic smartphone: the Mi Mixx for the Chinese company Xiaomi. Other than the materiality, our points of interest in it are the edge-to-edge screen and the lack of buttons. I’m not sure either of these are ideal. The edge screen screams “cracking risk” and I personally enjoy the feedback that you can only get with a physical button press. Screen presses give little feedback and touching a capacitive button feels wrong, like a limp handshake.
Job: Senior Lecturer, Australian National University
From ANU:
The ANU School of Art teaches and researches in the visual arts and design, and the position involves the delivery of undergraduate and graduate studies in the Bachelor of Visual Art, Bachelor of Design, and Masters of Visual Arts, Masters of Design and the School of Art Higher Degree by Research program. The candidate will show leadership in curriculum development and teaching methods and have the ability to initiate and resource research projects committed to practice led research and innovative approaches to ceramics and other disciplines. For more information click here.
OMA + Allies Design Museum in London
From ArchDaily:
In December 2007, along with ve other architectural firms, OMA was invited by Chels eld deputy chairman Sir Stuart Lipton to consider the potential of the Commonwealth Institute site. OMA’s proposal sought to save the grade II* listed building by reinjecting life into the modernist monument, the new home for London’s Design Museum, while retaining its distinctive copper roof and parabolic form. OMA with Allies and Morrison were the architects responsible for the design of the refurbished structural shell and external envelope of the building. The project required a close working relationship with Design Museum interior architects, John Pawson.
The museum opens this week! November 24.

Photographs by Luc Boegly and Sergio Grazia, Philip Vile, Nick Guttridge, Luke Hayes. Renderings courtesy of the firm. Click to see a larger iage.
News Meditation Moment: Greg Payce and Negative Space
We can’t really claim this as news, but Spotted is given over the ceramics and paper this week. To hell with conventions! You should take a look at this. These works are from a 2014 show by artist Greg Payce from the exhibition Greg Payce and the Space Between (July 13, 2014 and August 31, 2014) at the Art Gallery of Burlington. This work is a great example of negative space and we suggest that you give it a good, long look if your Monday is getting the better of you.
Matt Emmett Wins Photography Award with Brick Architecture
The 2016 winner of the Arcaid awards was Matt Emmett, with this photograph Covered Reservoir, a historic piece of brick architecture. Read more about the award here. As an award, Emmett will receive $3,000, a spot in a London and Berlin exhibition of the World Architecture Festival, and exposure in the media.
Ceramic Tech Career Development in Hawaii
From the American Ceramics Society:
he Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM 12) will be held May 21–26, 2017, in Waikoloa, Hawaii.
PACRIM is a bi-annual conference held in collaboration with the ceramic societies of the Pacific Rim countries, including ACerS, the Ceramic Society of Japan, the Chinese Ceramic Society, the Korean Ceramic Society, and the Australian Ceramic Society. Over the years, PACRIM conferences have cemented their reputation as the leading forum for the state-of-the-art and emerging topics in ceramics and glass technologies.
ACerS Glass & Optical Materials Division Meeting also takes place during PACRIM. This year’s technical program features five symposia organized by scientific researchers and technical experts, including fundamentals of the glassy state, glasses in healthcare, and glass technology, among several others.
Do you love or loathe these missives from the world of contemporary ceramics and contemporary ceramic art? Let us know in the comments.
Fantastic post, thanks for sharing vape fam. A massive shoutout to all vapers from San Diego, California! If anyone happens to ever be there, make sure to pop into our vape store (South Coast Vaper Co.) for some remarkable e-juice sampling and a warm and friendly conversation! Have an awesome day everyone and as always, keep your head in the clouds!