A big thank you to the Clay Museum of Ceramic Art in Denmark for giving us permission to put their beautiful catalog in cfile.library for your enjoyment at no cost to you. Click here to browse the publication!
Atrium: The Living Pot
Wirnfeldt, Pia; Karlsen, Anette Lindbog
Clay Museum of Ceramic Art, Denmark
Atrium is the consummation of four years of discourse between Danish ceramists about flora and the vessel. Over this period of time, these 15 ceramists continuously experimented with various botanical arrangements and how each species could co-conspire with the form and function of a pot. Featuring 15 different ceramic artists, the works in this catalog have pushed and pulled the traditional pot/ plant duo to a new depths and heights. The exhibition catalog explores the world of the potted houseplant.
The plant pot is one of the oldest forms of pottery. A ceramic container serving an almost universal purpose across time and place despite variations in scale, technique, and artistic interpretation. -Pia Wirnfeldt, Director, Clay Museum of Ceramic Art, Denmark

Lise Seier Peterson, Bonsai Land Aart, 2018
“Bonsai Land Art is an installation of five cubes and a scientific text. Cylinders thrown of white clay and wheat grains are placed in the cubes. In the closed environment of the cubes, the moisture from the clay in condensed which allows the wheat to sprout and grown out of the cylinders. Later in the process, the wheat is attacked by fungi and rot.”
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