Sincere gratitude to Adam Chau of the Clay Art Center for this beautiful catalog of his latest curation Reinvented (September 23 – November 11, 2017) that is now available in cfile.campus. By including artists that use CNC mills, 3D printers, computer generated surface decor, digital decals and more, Chau defines the ever-evolving moment of space between craft and technology.
“Reinvented was first conceived as a way to cross-pollinate ideas between industrial designers and artists. My frustration with design stemmed from the lack of emotive and gestural qualities coming from industrial products, while at the same time ceramic artists seem to be technologically behind production methods of the industry. My research into the subject of digital craft, which started in 2012, opened up a new world to me that turned out not be a new discussion.” -Adam Chau
Participating Artists include Andy Brayman, Jeremy Brooks, Dr. Katie Bunnell, Brian Caponi, Bryan Czibesz/Shawn Spangler, Sharan Elran, Brett Freund, Chris Gustin , Mia Mulvey, Megumi Naitoh, Paul Scott and Joey Watson.
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