This fascinating experiment in contemporary ceramics comes to us from Alexandra Engelfriet. What you see here was part of the Masterclass 2015, organized by Anne Marie Laureys at her place in Russeigne and Wcc Bf. It was connected to the European Craft Summit 2015 in Mons, Belgium.
Above image: Julia Stehling and Ellen Marie Berg. Photographs courtesy of Alexandra Engelfriet.
Engelfriet says that as part of the workshop, participants were asked to work within a large container half-filled with raw clay taken directly from the river Scheldt. Engelfriet states:
“The focus here was on the experience of the clay and going into it profoundly. The container provided a very concentrated space. The participants went for it completely, body and soul.”
The participants pictured here are Julia Stehling, Ellen Marie Berg and Jacqueline Santos De Freitas.
If this project speaks to you, you might want to check out some of Engelfriet’s other work profiled on this web site. In 2014 we wrote about her project in which she filled a trench with 20 tons of clay and used herself to mold the material into a sculpture. Tranchée spanned 50-meters and a kiln was constructed around the section and fired during the following week. We also have a few projects from Laureys on this site; they can be seen here.
What do you think of this experiment in contemporary ceramics? Let us know in the comments.

Julia Stehling

Jacqueline Santos de Freitas
i think this project is… well it gives me goose bumps, because it touches me so. intellectually and artistically!
The children are playing and need some attention!