We’ve written about mosaics in out-of-the-way places today. They can be found at the bottom of pot holes or standing in the way of your expensive highway project. There’s another place where mosaics can show up: underneath your shoes, in plain sight and you wouldn’t have noticed them because you’re too distracted by your day-to-day life.
Sebastian Erras, a photographer from Amberg, Germany, started his own art project/public service announcement about mosaics. His Parisian Floors project showcases ornate tile work he finds in the City of Art. Each floor is cropped and frames Erras’ feet within the shot. The message (other than “this guy’s shoes seem to match every mosaic in Paris”) is to pause and to take account of your surroundings, because there could be something incredible you otherwise would have glossed over. He uploads the pictures to his Instagram account, along with addresses where people can find the tile work for themselves. Each photograph is an invitation for the viewer to see Paris from Erras’ perspective.
This is Colossal reports that Erras took a trip to Morocco, where he was inspired by the mosaics he saw there. Awakened, in a way, to the presence of tile, he started noticing it all around him when he returned to Paris. We are asked to share in that view. It’s the sort of project that is perfect for social media.
Erras told This is Colossal:
“After a while being in Paris and wandering around the city, the main attractions and sights become a given,” Erras told Colossal. “Now looking down more often I get to see a whole new side of this city! It has been a good motivation to rediscover Paris again.”
Placing the project on Instagram also allows Erras to map the city of Paris through geotags, building comprehensive map of images and allowing the photographer to see which areas of the city he has yet to discover.
Erras began his career by photographing wildlife while he was visiting Kenya. He majored in business, but always loved traveling and exploring new cultures with his camera. He made the switch to full-time photographer recently. He states:
After my studies in International Marketing, I decided to fulfill my dream and become a fulltime photographer. Having always had a passion for design and architecture, I specialized in the field of interior and architecture photography. Working now for multiple clients all over Europe, I continue living my passion of photography, travel and exploring new things.
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Photographs by Sebastian Erras.
Love this! Will be sharing on Mosaic Art NOW’s FB page. One quick thing – the “expansive highway project” hot link goes to the Bachor story (which I also posted on FB). Thanks for spreading the mosaic love!