Buckets, screw tops, disposable cups; according to Roos Gomperts, these everyday plastic objects deserve more recognition. “We are used to hiding such things away in cupboards. I want to show that we don’t have to,” she maintains. To highlight their colorful appeal, the Dutch designer places them on a pedestal, choosing ceramics as her medium. The opposing visual and physical traits of the two materials brought together in her Ceramics of Plastics series allows viewers to perceive and appreciate them in a whole new way. The colored plastics look extra-vibrant beside the natural, earthen tones of the accompanying ceramics.
The video below, Ceramics for Plastic, features Gomperts’ creations in action. This collaboration with Thalia de Jong proves that the objects are as playful as they look, full of spurts and dribbles and joyful spinning.
Born in Amsterdam in 1987, Roos Gomperts has produced all manner of design, graphic novels, illustration, ceramics and film. Ceramics for Plastics was created during a work period at Sunday Morning @ EKWC (European Ceramic Work Center) prior to her graduation from the Design Academy Eindhoven in 2012.
Above image: Dutch designer Roos Gomperts elevated everyday plastic objects by combining them with ceramics in her project, Ceramics for Plastics.
Ceramics for Plastic (2012), a video by Roos Gomperts and Thalia de Jong, shows Gomperts’ creations strutting their stuff.
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