Designer Selma Durand used weights and ceramic to improve upon the simple idea of the piggy bank.
She states:
“This object, halfway between a pin-tray and a piggy bank, is counting pocket change.
“It stores and measures coins of 1, 2 and 5 cents rarely used and gives a simple information on its monetary value so one can use it easily in daily life.
“When it’s empty, the inner brass container sits above the lip of the ceramic dish. As more money is added, the weights level themselves thanks to a a hidden balance. The brass bowl dips lower until it lines up with the ceramic edge, the coins’ value is then about a euro – enough to buy a stamp, a coffee or a baguette.”
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Piggy bank by Selma Durand, 2014. Photographs by Véronique Huygue. Video by Romain Thomassin.
how about a small cup with a line on it as alternative – what a waste of materials