Designer Patricia Urquiola recently unveiled her newest work: a slanted pitcher, the shape of which forms its own spout. The project was done in collaboration with Bosa.
The H20 Bilbao design, according to Design Milk, is a Kaiku reinterpreted in ceramic. A Kaiku is a traditional container, usually made of wood, which is used for milk and warm liquids.
In Bilbao, Spain, the pitcher is used to serve water from the local aqueduct. As a charity angle on the angular piece, the pitchers are sold in Basque restaurants and Bosa stores with some of the proceeds going to the humanitarian organization Oxfam Intermon to construct wells in Ethiopia.
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Immediate positive response to this idea and its content.
I am in process of creating an H2O project from recycled materials, and a water advocate in Idaho, for water as a common right around the globe.
I met Patricia at Art Basel this year outside the curtain prior to Marina’s salon; I have to say, she (Patricia) a generous and understanding person. Quite funny actually.
I would support this project.
Thank you for having water on the brain.