In the age of touch screens and smarter-than-you-are gadgets the Parisan based Particules Studio has designed a line of electronics made primarily of porcelain and oak. Their Objets sans âge (Objects Without Age) include an alarm clock, a radio, an electric switch and a speaker system. As they put it, “Ageless objects are an invitation to rediscover sensation and intuitive gestures.” All of the controls are manual, much of the circuitry is exposed: the mechanisms are not only visible but the form and substance of appliances. Particules Studio describes Objets sans âge as “blurring the boundaries between craft and technology, each material was chosen for its potential: tactility, sensorial and functional. The porcelain displays its variety of properties (tone, translucency, touch, and mechanical and electrical resistance), as does the wood. The gold, traditionally used for decorative enamel, reveals it’s excellent electrical conductivity.”
Particules Studio, based in Paris, works at the crossroads of product design, graphic design and architecture and turn out a staggering variety of work. The through line in their transdiciplinary approach is that they aren’t satisfied with simple communication, the products and campaigns that they produce must also have meaning.
Above image: Particules Studio, Objets sans âge, alarm clock, 2012. Porcelain, oak, gold and other metals. Photography courtesy of Particules Studio.
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