On my travels with the farewell lecture A Necessary Irritant I have been speaking to our readers in Canada, the UK and Australia. Yes, we are key part of their knowledge stream and subscriber numbers are growing (all FREE). But we also discussed how we can improve what we offer. The format was liked as friendly and accessible, but there were some issues with readability and too much content and others, ALL of which have been addressed and changed in our new CODE RED format.
Search capabilities have changed, material once behind the Campus wall are now open to all. Underwriting formats are now bigger and more impactful, but still as affordable as ever. We have looked at content; decided to address it not by cutting back, but by adding DIGESTS for exhibitions, design and architecture. These can be scanned in a matter of minutes with slider albums. We publish 8-10 features a month that go deeper. News and Spotted continue by popular demand. Every month, we convert one or two important exhibition catalogs to read onscreen.
You tell us that podcasts are your favorite. Good, we have more a coming, not just my Casita Confessions but also Ben Carter’s Tales of the Red Clay Rambler, and Grant Gibson’s, Material Matters.
No other publication connects you to the global visual arts mainstream searching daily for content you need, and that remains our mission.
And lastly, we would not have reached CODE RED without the truly wonderful response to our end-of-year donor appeal. You guys save us every year. If you have not yet, and want to make a gift, there is a donate button below.
Garth Clark
Editor in Chief
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