Though technically billed as a museum, Russia’s Museum for Rural Labor in the western Kaluga Oblast region could easily be mistaken for a monument, something that deifines labor rather than studying it. Rather than a shrine for agricultural artifacts, the museum presents these objects as ageless, things that are sublime in their simplicity.
Designed by architects Sergei Tchoban and Agniya Sterligova, the clay and straw monolith rises above a humble potato field. Recalling the shape of a grain silo, the museum instead houses antique farm equipment, which line the walls. These tools quickly rise above the viewer, ascending toward a skylight. The structure, like the laborers it memorializes, is both modest and robust. One who occupies the space finds themselves diminished in the presence of simple tools, which were wielded down through the ages by people who provided a service which forms the foundation for society.
From ArchDaily:
“‘The tower seems to merge with its earth base and with its surroundings in general; you might easily think it has been here forever,’ say Tchoban and Sterligova. Through the juxtaposition of ancient building techniques with modern conceptual design, the team has created an inspiring paradox in a landscape of endless agriculture.
“The imposing structure features a door placed to face away from the adjacent road, necessitating visitors to walk the circumference of the tower before entering. Once inside, visitors are immersed in the museum’s permanent exhibition: a room clad in dozens of collected tools and artifacts from the region’s agricultural history. Illuminated by a round yellow-tinted skylight, the tower basks in a constant glow that provides a sense of warmth to the soaring space. Always accessible through its unlocked door, the Museum for Rural Labor celebrates the ethos of a culture rooted in collective success through hard work.”
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The Museum for Rural Labor by Sergei Tchoban and Agniya Sterligova. Photographs by Dmitry Chebanenko.

Design courtesy of the architects.
Its really moving monument very unpretentious I find the space contemplative: almost spiritual.