CFile mourns the passing this Sunday of a central supporter, collector and philanthropist of the ceramic arts. Candice Groot was shy and modest, yet focused, active, confident and liberal in her role and opinions. Given her reticent manner it came as a surprise to visitors to her home to find that much of her taste was erotically charged. Aside from ceramics she had what might be the largest collection in the world of animated watches performing sexual acts. With respect and admiration for her generosity, we share this obituary from Joshua Green:
NCECA is saddened to learn of the passing of dear friend and long-time member Candice Groot on April 5, 2015. Both an artist and collector, Candice Groot earned her MFA in ceramics and sculpture from Texas Tech University, after which she taught at Gustavus Adolphus College. In 1988, she founded the Virginia A. Groot Foundation, an organization that annually awards grants to artists working in 3D so they may devote more resources to their craft. Learn more at Her passion, focus and vision as a collector of figurative and ceramic sculpture, along with her philanthropy to the arts and artists, made her an influential force in contemporary ceramics. She never sought the spotlight, preferring to find joy in the successes of the many artists whose works she loved, collected and encouraged. In 2014 she received the Award for Regional Excellence from the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA) for her significant contributions to the field.
Joshua Green is the Executive Director of the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts.
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Candice taught me drawing and ceramics at Gustavus. She was kind, insightful, and extremely skilled at relaying her knowledge. I often think of her when drawing. She had encouraged me to become an artist, something I didn’t take seriously at first. Thank you Candice for knowing who I was before I did. I am profoundly grateful to you. Rest in peace.